Do you need to bridge the difference between vehicle and warehouse floor in the easiest way? We are happy to help! Our dock leveller with swing lip has a modular design and is easy to operate. This solution is particularly well suited for most warehousing sites where standard size vehicles operate.


Our swing lip dock leveller is extremely durable

Durable, long life-span and low maintenance

The self-cleaning open lip hinge construction, the durable and modular design, the self-supporting characteristics, the closed hydraulic system and the low working pressure result in a long lifespan with a minimum maintenance requirement.



Optimum safety

The swing lip dock leveller standard has multiple safety features. The dock leveller is CE marked and in accordance with all safety aspects of the European standard EN 1398.


Our swing lip dock leveller is packed with safety features!


The swing lip dock leveller is positioned with just one button!


The dock leveller is operated with the use of just one button. The dock levellers can be supplied in many dimensions, load capacities and working ranges. A full range of options and operating methods are available to offer a solution for every customer bespoke situation.